2017 is starting a little bit weak, even the first event of the year revealed almost nothing for us, only colored prototypes and a (in my opinion) useless repaint... Wonder Festival has no wonders anymore...
So it's like I said, full of colors, but very sad, I personally find a little joy only when seeing that awesome Luffy GEAR 4 MAX figure,it's been a long time since the last time we had an important figure, I think it was since Corazon & Law if we don't consider the Ver.2 of Luffy Sailing Again.
Next is a new reprint of Tashigi : Ver.BB_WHITE, the lady is getting a white swimming suit, but she keeps the same pose, I think it's not really a needy figure, unless you miss yours during the Animarket and some other sellers fiasco (I will talk about this soon).
The rest of the show were highlighting the colored Nami Ver.BB_03 and Kalifa Ver.BB, I still believe this series should stop as soon as possible and that Megahouse should get back making the best One Piece figures ever like the good old time, can we have something in the next event? We need hope and a new life for our collection...