Let's give it one more shot! Megahobby EXPO 2017 [SPRING] is soon, and here is the announcement for it!
Being fed-up with all these bleh announcements, fans are waiting for a good news from Megahouse, a classical edition of the Megahobby EXPO will blow our minds all, we used to get from 5 to 10 new cool figures announced, and it was taking our heart to the highest levels...
Unfortunately, the 2016 Megahobby were very poor and we got only fanservice, will this end someday? Who knows...
Anyway, Megahobby EXPO 2017 [SPRING] will take place at Akiba Square (UDX 2F) from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (Japan) in May 27th. Count on us to cover the event on the Facebook page! Stay tuned guys!