Another delay from Megahouse: Nico Robin Edition-Z Postponed!

It's becoming almost monthly that Megahouse announce some delays on their figures, and this is the fourth time we announce it for a figure released for this year...
After Shirahoshi Reprint, Chopper Edition-Z and Nami Sailing Again Reprint, it's time to Nico Robin Edition-Z to get some extra time before she reveal her beautiful body to her owners. Reasons for these delays are not knows, but guess that Meaghouse is extra-releasing figures that they can't provide all the sellers in the fixed time. Anyway, this won't be so long, because they just announced that Nico Robin Edition-Z moves from Late June to Early July 2013, which will be about 1 to 2 extra weeks. Stay strong guys, our lady will be there soon! And since we're about to get Sadi-Chan, we will get enough fanservice for this month!